"Et vinum laetificet cor hominis”

“Et vinum laetificet corhominis”

Wine on Stamps Study Unit

Revision 9.0 of the Wine on Stamps Checklist is now available! Please click here for details.

Don't forget to visit our Instagram page @winestamps.



If you are interested in wine on stamps you are encouraged to join the Study Unit. Complete details can be found by clicking here.

Officers of the Study Unit are David Wolfersberger, Ocala, FL, President and ​Enophilatelica Editor; Vice President: Laurie Ryan; Deb Collett, Brighton, Victoria, Australia, Secretary/Treasurer.

American Topical Association and the American Philatelic Society. Click on the society name to visit their site.


The purpose of the Wine on Stamps Study Unit is to promote the collection and study of stamps and other philatelic material concerning wine, grapes, wine making and consumption, and related areas. The Study Unit publishes a quarterly, full color journal, Enophilatelica, and a Wine on Stamps Checklist. Click the appropriate link for more details.

Study Unit News

Introduction to the Wine on Stamps Study Unit

Welcome to the website of the Wine on Stamps Study Unit. The Study Unit was founded by Dr. James Crum in 1995. There are now over 40 members in 11 countries, all pursuing the fascinating hobby of collecting stamps and related philatelic items connected to wine, grapes, viniculture and viticulture, and other alcoholic beverages. 

​In the February 2025 issue of Enophilatelica, Deb Collett looks at the first and most recent wine stamps from various countries. David Wolfersberger discusses wine on paintings by Johannes Vermeer that also appear on stamps. New issues and the Checklist Update complete the issue.

Welcome to the Wine on Stamps Study Unit